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Verfasser: Neagoe, Stelian
Titel: Istoria guvernelor României : de la începuturi - 1859 pâna în zilele noastre 1995
Signatur: C I-2/202
Verfasser: Macovescu, George
Titel: Einige Aspekte der Außenpolitik der Sozialistischen Republik Rumänien
Signatur: C XI/15
Titel: The Washington papers
Verfasser: Ceausescu, Nicolae
Titel: The five-year plan, a new stage of progress and prosperity in the life of the romanian people, in the flourishing of socialist Romania : closing speech delivered at the Plenary Meeting of the Central Comitee of the Romanian Communist Party, June 27 - 28, 1966
Signatur: C XI/82
Titel: Faclia : organ al Comitetului Judetean Cluj al P.C.R. si al Consiliului Popular Judetean
Signatur: Sz/153
Titel: International curentul : saptamânal de informatie, analiza si afaceri
Signatur: Sz/170
Titel: Legislatie economica si financiara
Signatur: S/607
Titel: Rumänien : Dokumente, Ereignisse
Signatur: S/127
Titel: International newsletter
Signatur: S/625
Verfasser: Denize, Eugen
Titel: Tarile Române si Venetia : relatii politice (1441-1541) ; de la Iancu de Hunedoara la Petru Rares
Signatur: C I-3c/63