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Verfasser: Pippidi, Dionis M.
Titel: Geti si Greci la Dunarea de Jos din cele mai vechi timpuri pîna la cucerirea romana
Signatur: C IV-3b/2
Signatur: C IV-3b/2
Verfasser: Ceausescu, Nicolae
Titel: Homage to the President of the Socialist Republic of Romania "Nicolae Ceausescu on his seventieth birthday : a collection of his selected works
Signatur: C XI/570
Verfasser: Bologa, Valeriu L.
Titel: Aspecte daco-romane ale cultului divinitatilor salutifere
Signatur: C IV-3b/3(K)
Verfasser: Alföldy, Géza
Titel: Miron Constantinescu, Stefan Pascu, Petre Diaconu, (Ed.), Relations betwee the autochthonus population and the migratory populations on the Territory of Romania, (Bibliotheca Historica Romaniae, Monographs, 16), Bucuresti, Editura Acad. Republ. Soc. Rom. 1975, 323 S.
Signatur: C IV-3b/6(K)
Titel: Foreign sources and testimonies about the forebears of the Romanian people : collection of texts
Signatur: C IV-3b/17
Verfasser: Ceausescu, Nicolae
Titel: Homage to the President of the Socialist Republic of Romania "Nicolae Ceausescu on his seventieth birthday : a collection of his selected works
Signatur: C XI/570
Verfasser: Florescu, Radu
Titel: Preistoria Daciei
Signatur: C IV-3b/13a
Verfasser: Schneider, Christian
Titel: Die Kontinuität der rumänischen Bevölkerung in Siebenbürgen : das Problem aus rumänischer Sicht
Signatur: C IV-3b/4(T)
Verfasser: Briebrecher, Rudolf
Titel: Der gegenwärtige Stand der Frage über die Herkunft der Rumänen
Signatur: C IV-3b/36(K)