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Verfasser: Platon, Gheorghe
Titel: Lupta românilor pentru unitatea nationala : ecouri în presa europeana (1855-1859)
Signatur: C IV-3d/45
Verfasser: Stan, Marius
Titel: Aparatul central : (1948 - 1989)
Signatur: C IV-3f/255,2
Titel: Notice sur la Roumanie en 1900  publiée par l'Agence Officielle Roumaine d'Informations Industrielles et Commerciales, Paris
Signatur: C IV-3d/478
Verfasser: Popescu-Spineni, Marin
Titel: Die Rumänen in Bulgarien
Signatur: C IV-3/1
Titel: Dracula : straniu, misterios, inexplicabil
Signatur: Sz/12
Verfasser: Ceausescu, Nicolae
Titel: "We don't have empty shelves" : Ceausescu on rural villages, human rights, his son's future and tie "cult of personality" ; [interview]
Signatur: P II-c/98
Verfasser: Heintz, Monica
Titel: Etica muncii la românii de azi
Signatur: C IV-3g/101-2
Verfasser: Marshall, Sarah
Titel: Drac's back : so we sent Sarah Marshall to Transylvania to find him
Signatur: P II-v/74
Verfasser: Hitchins, Keith
Titel: Rumanian socialists and the nationality problem in Hungary : 1903-18
Signatur: C IV-3d/295
Titel: Administratia regulamentara si tranzitia la statul de drept
Signatur: C IV-3d/370,2