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Verfasser: Pascu, Stefan
Titel: The Birth of the Romanic Peoples Origin and Historical Development of the Romanian People : paper presented at the opening session of the 15th International Congress of Historical Sciences August 10, 1980
Signatur: C IV-3/94
Verfasser: Chivu, Carmen
Titel: Dosarele Securitatii : studii de caz
Signatur: C IV-3f/220
Verfasser: Hitchins, Keith
Titel: The Rumanian national movement in Transylvania : 1780 - 1849
Signatur: C IV-3d/205
Verfasser: Dima-Dragan, Corneliu
Titel: Constantin Cantacuzino stolnicul : (un umanist român)
Signatur: C IV-3d/197
Titel: Partidul National Liberal si Brasovul
Signatur: A IX-c/15
Titel: Factorii Transilvani ai unirii : 6 conferinte pentru comemorarea unui sfert de veac dela unirea din Alba-Iulia
Signatur: C IV-3d/420
Verfasser: Dascalu, Nicolae
Titel: Nici pace, nici razboi : România-Ungaria, 1919 - 1940
Signatur: C IV-3e/187
Verfasser: Mota, Ion I.
Titel: Das Testament Ion Motzas : das Blutopfer der Eisernen Garde an der nationalspanischen Front
Signatur: C IV-3e/110-2
Titel: Incursiuni în opera istorica a lui Gheorghe I. Bratianu : studii si interpretari istorice
Signatur: P II-b/297
Titel: Actes du ... Congrès International de Thracologie
Signatur: C IV-3b/14