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Titel: Cronica însîngerata a Bucurestiului in revolutie
Signatur: C I-3g/64
Titel: Uncaptive minds : a journal of information and opinion on Eastern Europe
Signatur: S/497
Titel: Tribuna Sibiului : organ al Comitetul Judetean Sibiu al P.C.R. si al Consiliului Popular Judetean
Signatur: Sz/102
Titel: La Transylvanie dans la Roumanie post-communiste : actes du Colloque du CRINI (mars 1998)
Signatur: C I-3g/43
Verfasser: Horváth, István
Titel: Facilitating conflict transformation : Implementation of the recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities to Romania, 1993-2001; Comparative case studies on the effectiveness of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Signatur: C I-3g/42
Titel: Cultural and comparative studies : bulletin of the American, Bristish, French and German Centers in Sibiu
Signatur: S/726
Verfasser: Theilemann, Wolfram G.
Titel: Nationalism in Romania after 1989/90 - "Balcanic" hatreds of the Freezer or implanted by communist manipulators? : a comparative approach ti romanian society in the 1990's ; [erster, unfertiger Entwurf]
Signatur: C I-3g/21(T)
Verfasser: Severin, Adrian
Titel: Interview mit Adrian Severin, Stellvertretender Vorsitzender der Demokratischen Partei (Front der Nationalen Rettung) Rumäniens
Signatur: C I-3g/16
Verfasser: Stoica, Stan
Titel: România dupa 1989 : enciclopedie de istorie
Signatur: C I-3g/56
Verfasser: Neagoe, Stelian
Titel: Istoria guvernelor României : de la începuturi - 1859 pâna în zilele noastre 1995
Signatur: C I-2/202