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Verfasser: Preda, Dumitru
Titel: România si Antanta : avatarurile unei mici puteri într-un razboi de coalitie 1916-1917
Signatur: C IV-3d/307
Verfasser: Snijders, W. G. F.
Titel: Rumenië in den Wereldoorlog : Augustus 1916 - Januar 1917 ; een krijgsgeschiedkundige Studie
Signatur: C I-3d/113
Titel: Nouvelles études d'histoire : publié à l'occasion du ... Congr`es International des Sciences Historiques
Signatur: Tj/327
Titel: The Austrian military border, its political and cultural impact
Signatur: C XI/305
Verfasser: Statiev, Alexander
Titel: Antonescu's Eagles against Stalin's Falcons : the Romanian Air Force, 1920 - 1941
Signatur: C XI/437(K)
Verfasser: Ramet, Sabrina P.
Titel: Whose democracy? : nationalism, religion and the doctrine of collective rights in post-1989 Eastern Europe
Signatur: C XI/461
Titel: Subteranele memoriei : pagini din rezistenta culturii în România 1944 - 1954 ; studiu introductiv si antologie
Signatur: C XI/474
Verfasser: Marga, Andrei
Titel: Statutul Partidului National Taranesc Crestin Democrat : [adptat de comitetul national de conducere al P. N. T. C. D. în sedinta din 02.06.2001]
Signatur: C XI/477(T)
Verfasser: Gafton, Paul
Titel: Romania, armed forces seek to democratize
Signatur: C IV-3f/198(K)
Verfasser: Cismarescu, Michael
Titel: Die verfassungsrechtliche Entwicklung der Sozialistischen Republik Rumänien : 1965 - 1975
Signatur: D I/117