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Signatur: A VI-f4/48,3
Signatur: A VI-f4/48,1
Signatur: A VI-f4/48,2
Signatur: A VI-f4/48,3
Titel: Art treasures in the palace of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Signatur: A VI-f4/36
Titel: Drumul colectiilor Muzeului de Istorie : traseul cultural
Signatur: A VI-f4/46
Titel: 5 years of activity : the Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and für the memory of the Romanian Exile
Signatur: A VI-f4/45
Titel: Ionel-Valentin Vlad : doctor honoris causa
Signatur: P II-v/105
Verfasser: Pascu, Stefan [VerfasserIn]
Titel: Gîndirea istorica in Academia Româna : (1866 - 1918) ; disurs rostit la 29 ianuarie 1975 în sedinta solemna
Signatur: A VI-f4/52
Verfasser: Nagy, Géza [VerfasserIn]
Titel: A Bethlen-Kollégium tudományos gyujteményeinek története
Signatur: A VI-f4/56